The offices of LoJack Benelux are located at Ketelweg 33A, 3356 LD Papendrecht, The Netherlands. Post can be addressed to LoJack Benelux, PO box 540, 3300 AM Dordrecht, The Netherlands. You can also contact us by phone during office hours at +31-88-0005525 in The Netherlands or at +32-3-3313008 in Belgium.
LoJack Benelux is registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under file number 09195115. LoJack has a bank account at the Rabobank under IBAN account number NL04 RABO 0186 7584 48. The VAT number of LoJack Benelux is NL820572081B01.
Did you know?
Since the first generation LoJack system started being commercially available, more than 300,000 cars have been recovered worldwide.